Eulerpool Data & Analytics Vans Trans GmbH
Wertheim, DE


Vans Trans GmbH

Address / Headquarters

Vans Trans GmbH
Zur Steinhelle 16
97877 Wertheim

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)


Legal Operating Unit (LOU)


Registration Number

HRB 726622

Company Type


Company Category




Validation Status

Fully Corroborated

Last Updated


Next Renewal


Eulerpool API
Vans Trans GmbH Revenue, Profit, Balance Sheet, Patents, Employees, and more
Wertheim, DE

{ "lei": "529900ZK2I4XLLY2GQ22", "legal_jurisdiction": "DE", "legal_name": "Vans Trans GmbH", "entity_category": "GENERAL", "entity_legal_form_code": "2HBR", "legal_first_address_line": "Zur Steinhelle 16", "legal_additional_address_line": "", "legal_city": "Wertheim", "legal_postal_code": "97877", "headquarters_first_address_line": "Zur Steinhelle 16", "headquarters_additional_address_line": "", "headquarters_city": "Wertheim", "headquarters_postal_code": "97877", "registration_authority_entity_id": "HRB 726622", "next_renewal_date": "2024-07-13T10:01:34.000Z", "last_update_date": "2023-07-13T10:01:34.000Z", "managing_lou": "5299000J2N45DDNE4Y28", "registration_status": "ISSUED", "validation_sources": "FULLY_CORROBORATED", "reporting_exception": "", "slug": "Vans Trans GmbH,Wertheim,HRB 726622" }

Data & Analytics

Eulerpool Private Markets is the market leader for structured information on private companies.

Discover the value of official publications as a treasure trove of economic information. The Eulerpool Data Service transforms the high manual effort involved in researching these documents into an efficient solution. We offer curated information for automatic processing or seamless integration into your software. Get to know our diverse clientele and explore how our data packages support a variety of applications.

Eulerpool Private Markets Database

  • Structured company information through the Data API, visualizations through the Widget API, and export options with a quarterly subscription.
  • A special starter package at attractive prices.
  • Access to information from over 58 million companies and more than 530 million publications.
  • Daily data updates for a wide range of countries.
  • Comprehensive company data including history.
  • In-depth data analysis with financial, marketing-related, and technological metrics.
  • Complete and transparent source citations.
  • Powerful search functions and fault-tolerant mapping.
  • Data is provided in JSON or XML via HTTPS.
  • Intuitive visualizations with JavaScript.

Unlimited access starting at $500/month. Let's talk about it!

Eulerpool Data Service
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